Visual Designer


UX project developed for General Assembly’s UX course. Bucketlist list helps you keep a list of the places you want to visit based on your friends recommendations.



Bucketlist helps you keep a list of the places you want to visit based on your friends and critic recommendations that you trust.




People love getting recommendations from friends but don’t always want to reach out to friends directly.

The problem I suspect is people constantly look for new places to explore but prefer when those places are suggested by people they know (friends, colleagues, neighbors). Whether it be restaurants, exhibits, stores, study areas/coffee shops, dancing venues, live music venues etc. 

The idea behind Bucketlist began as a result of my roommate consistently asking for suggestions on where to eat, drink and/or go out. By simply having a place to create list of places visited and places one wants to visit easily accessible to share with friends was why I began this research.


Research/ Affinity Maps

Affinity Map_KarlaSaldana-1.png
Affinity Map_KarlaSaldana-2.png

User Research/Personas

Bucketlist Research Persona.png

User Flows


Minimal Viable Product




Sketches + Paper Prototypes


Learnings from Round 1
of Sketches and paper prototypes:

  • Explore multiple ways of showcasing information.

  • Put location and critics on every page as a secondary feature rather than as a major navigation option.

  • Include a point of reference in maps.


Initial Wireframes

Images shows onboarding Flow and Sharing a restaurant location pin with friends.

Images shows onboarding Flow and Sharing a restaurant location pin with friends.

Image shows adding a friend flow and friend request flow.

Image shows adding a friend flow and friend request flow.

Usability test findings from prototypes

Initial Doc_UX_BucketList_1_Page_17.png

A few key learnings

  • Explore Friend Request: Where do you view requests?, What happens when a friend is requested?, AND What happens when a friend request is accepted?

  • Tried to Add Friend button in 2 places and found our that Users prefer it to be under the main navigation Friends Button; Putting both Add Friend and New Friend Requests and view All Friends in same area because it is easily accessible.

  • Give users multiple ways of signing up or to just explore.

  • Give Users the opportunity to Choose multiple options during search.

  • Give Users the opportunity to Add Multiple People to their Friends list.


High fidelity wireframes
